Monday 26 November 2018

How to Amp Up or Pimp Stilettos to Christian Louboutin status


(AKA full frontal Louboutiny) 
This is a pair of Dorothy Perkins heels. Cheap shoes. 25 pounds full price and I got them for 11.25 only. But they are chosen for the shape.
Cheap shoes costing 11.25 pounds reduced from 25 pounds. Remove all stickers.

But with right shape. Use Walk-on Red.

Start painting

After first coat

Hang on back of chair to dry

If old shoes (worn)...

Sand first

Wipe with alcohol to remove dust from sanding.

After 2 coats and paint is dry...
Apply interior varnish.


All Louboutinised.

CAVEAT: Before you amp up or pimp any shoes please stop and ask yourself if you are doing anything stupid, and “what would Christian do?”
You cannot pimp any shoes unless they already have the right proportion, shape and size. You cannot pimp platform trainers, for example, or ANY ugly shoes. If you do not know what are ugly shoes, PLEASE STOP READING NOW.
Ideal candidates are black stilettos with pointed fronts. The proportion must be posh otherwise you are just wasting your time and you might as well go and eat a donut.
Let’s start. Make sure you give about 5 minutes painting time per coat of paint per pair of shoes, not including drying time.
1/ PREPARATION. If they are new shoes, you don’t need to sand. If they are old shoes, sand the bottom with fine sandpaper. Rub down with rubbing alcohol to remove the dust from the sanding.
2/ PAINT with the red walk-on shoe paint. After one coat is fully dry, do a second coat.
3/ VARNISH. I got this from Screwfix. I think it’s 5 pounds for the tin. Just one coat of varnish will do.
4/ TOUCH-UP. Use a black sharpie and touch up where you have messed up or gone over the line.
5/ SHOW OFF. Wear them with pride! Always lift feet and display the soles whenever you can.
And wa-lah! Christian Louboutin, eat your heart out!

Now that I’m commuting everyday I can’t stop reading. I do not read real books anymore, only ebooks. Because 1/ there is no more shelf space at home and 2/ have you tried to hold a book open with one hand during London peak hour? Your face will be mashed into someone’s shoulder first. This is a felt sweets bag from Japan, gift from a friend in #Penang. It’s so striking and cute. I have no idea what is “Hokkaido Milk Land”. After the sweets were consumed, I upcycled it into a kindle case by sewing a red polyester satin lining (leftover/remnant from when I made the 1950s swing cape, remember?) made to measure, inside it. Wa-lah! Fully-lined kindle case.
#fixingshit #dressmaking #frugalliving #imakemyownclothes #sewing #sewcialists #customized #customizacao #DIY #homemade #vintage #sundayvibes #weekendproject #upcycling #repurposed #amazonkindle #amazon #japan #hokkaidomilkland #londonunderground

Cut up all the pieces yesterday and today made this cuddly lamb for the #ladyboss. It’s not perfect, not exactly aligned to the centreline at the back, not symmetrical but who is.
#toymaking #fixingshit #dressmaking #imakemyownclothes #sewing #sewcialists #customized #customizacao #DIY #homemade #vintage #sundayvibes #weekendproject

Thursday 22 November 2018

Fully-lined zipped makeup bag, spare tights or pencil case

Getting all professional now. This is the last project for today I swear. So this is a brush case or makeup case made from remnant. 

Also perfect size for spare tights.

For commuting you cannot have a deep makeup bag - it’s v irritating because everything falls to the bottom. Therefore you need a long shallow one to find things easily. Washable. Light. Took about two hours because the zip is a bugger and I had to rip it out twice due to inaccuracy and crudeness. My fault. This case also can be for carrying spare pair of tights, perfect size for it. For when you get a ladder or need a quick change or if there’s an event and you need smartening up. 

#fixingshit #dressmaking #imakemyownclothes #sewing #sewcialists #customized #customizacao #DIY #homemade #vintage #sundayvibes #weekendproject #fashtag #wiwt #whatsinmybag #makeup #makeupjunkie #wakeupandmakeup #blendthatshit #makeupartist