Monday 12 December 2016


I have thoroughly enjoyed the 90 day SSS cycle from Joe Wicks. However, it must be some kind of crazy coincidence - but I am now starting a new regime - yes, I am a masochist!
I am crowdfunding with Unbound, a publishing imprint of Penguin Random House. More on this here.

My book is a pacy, modern 1980s literary thriller set in Chicago and Macau. I need to crowdfund it because the voice of an ethnic minority like mine is under-represented in the world of English fiction. I am after all a post-colonial writer. I am not only writing in my second language, I am writing about immigrants.

I am well pleased with the results of the 90 day SSS and I am feeling light and agile. I feel revived and energetic and that I am able to take on something as demanding as crowdfunding.

I have no problem doing more than twenty or thirty sit-ups now. Plank - I can do 2 minutes. Push ups are more an issue. I think of the men's style one, 10 is plenty and I can do about 20 of the 'women's style'. I love the exercises which are all standard stuff, it's like being in school again. I can't stand Zumba or barre fitness or any of these crossover categories with banging music. If I am doing ballet, I am doing ballet, none of this mixed exercises.

Oh you have to ignore my puckered or wrinkly tummy. There is nothing to be done about this except tummy tuck. This is what a tummy looks like after giving birth twice! The skin is permanently stretched.

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